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Artisan Small Batch Catered Soups

Spoon Me Soups isn’t your ordinary soup company. Big soup companies churn out unhealthy and mediocre soups with reckless abandon. We don’t do that. We carefully choose each all-natural ingredient. Our chef meticulously tastes each small batch until it’s perfected. Quality over quantity is our motto, and you can taste the difference. Spoon Me Soups is a labor of love. Our owner operates the company on her own, drives the delivery truck, and is the face customers trust at farmer’s markets. Vegetarian-based, vegan, and gluten-free catering in Bergen County, NJ has never tasted so scrumptious.

Frozen Soup
Chilled Soup
chicken noodle soup

Save Our Inventive Creations for a Late-Evening Snack

Spoon Me Soups specializes in unique soup creations you won’t find in the grocery store or at chain restaurants. Our chef imagines a world filled with sweet potatoes and kale soups and draws inspiration from the vibrant, lively cuisine of Morocco. Mushrooms! Lentils! Beer and cheddar! We let our imagination run wild and deliver tasty frozen soups directly to you.

fresh vegetables

Delicious Vegetarian Frozen Soups

Listen up, wedding, corporate event, and birthday party-planners: Our chilled soups are to die for. Our Gazpacho, Strawberry Mint, Coconut Mango, and Cucumber Dill soups put the “mmm” in savory. Our chef prides herself on creating unique flavors that bring untasted slices of the rest of the world to Bergen County, NJ, and the surrounding area.

Spoon Me Soups